Main features:

  • Soothes conflicts with authority
  • Regulates excesses and addictions
  • Promotes spiritual evolution
  • Accompanies life passages

    The name "Amethyst" comes from the ancient Greek amethystos , meaning "not drunk". The Greeks believed that this stone protected against drunkenness and excess, a belief that influenced its use throughout the ages.


    According to Greek mythology, amethyst was born from the tears of Dionysus, the god of wine, after he transformed an angry nymph into quartz. These tears, mixed with wine, gave quartz its purple hue. Since then, it has been associated with sobriety and clarity of mind.

Associated astrological signs

These signs are particularly sensitive to the energy of amethyst. It brings them calm and balance:

  • Fish

  • Virgin

  • Sagittarius

  • Crown Chakra - Sahasrara

    Amethyst is a powerful stone for opening and harmonizing the crown chakra, promoting spiritual awakening and connection to the divine.

  • Third Eye Chakra - Ajna

    It also stimulates the third eye chakra, increasing intuition and spiritual perception.

  • Cultivating self-control

    Promotes mental and emotional calm, helps to find inner calm and better manage emotions on a daily basis

  • Softening the relationship with authority

    Helps overcome blockages related to rebellion or refusal of authority by encouraging a healthy balance between framework and personal freedom

  • Accepting change

    Helps to unblock stagnant situations and better experience transitions, whether personal or relational

  • Develop the qualities of kindness and attention towards others

    Encourages openness of the heart, listening and compassion, facilitating harmonious and balanced relationships

  • Harmonizing the relationship with the father

    Helps to soothe and repair emotional wounds related to the paternal relationship or the image of the father

  • Breaking free from parental patterns

    Encourages taking a step back to avoid unconsciously reproducing family patterns, particularly in the choice of partners

  • Developing your inner faith

    Encourage listening to one's spiritual calling while remaining anchored in reality

  • Accompanying passages and new awarenesses

    Facilitates life transitions by providing a better understanding of self and events

  • Finding a path that makes sense

    Promotes altruism while maintaining a healthy balance between self-giving and respecting one's own needs

  • Avoiding sectarian influences

    Helps to free oneself from spiritual deviations and to cultivate a personal faith, free from restrictive dogmas

  • Freeing yourself from addictions

    Helps to detach from addictive behaviors and better regulate excesses, whether physical or emotional

  • Getting out of abusive or extreme relationships

    Promotes clarity of mind and courage to move away from toxic or unbalanced relationships